Language Database

Diposting oleh All about Information System | 11.06 | , , , | 0 komentar »

In this post I will discuss about the Language Database. What is a Language Database? Language Database is the language used to create and manipulate objects and data in a database. Language which is directly linked with the database or database called Query Language.

Component Language Database is divided into several sections, namely:
  1. Data Definition Language (DDL). Such as: create, alter, drop, rename, truncate, analze, grants and REVOKE.
  2. Data Manipulation Language (DML). Such as: Insert, Update, Delete and Update
  3. Transactional Control Statements. Such as: commit, rollback, savepoint and the transaction set
  4. Session Control Statements: alter session set of roles and
  5. System Control Statements: alter system
  6. Embedded SQL, a combination of DDL, DML and Transactional Control Statements. such as: declare, cursor, open, close, declare a database, connect, declare statement, describe, Whenever, fetch, prepare, execute and immediate.
That was a brief description of Language Database. If there are errors or omissions please justified or added. May be useful.

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