At this time I would like to explain the meaning or what is information. What is the meaning of information? Information is data that has been processed so that it can be useful for anyone in need. Information can be recorded or transmitted. The experts have many other meanings of information. Information can be regarded as knowledge gained from study, experience or instruction. However, this term has many meanings depending on the context.

In particular some knowledge of the events that have been collected or from the news can also be regarded as information. In computer science, information is data that is stored, processed or transmitted. The experts examined the concept of information as knowledge gained from study, experience or instruction.

Meaning or definition of the other information is data that has been given meaning. For example, the form of a spreadsheet document (Ms.Excel) is often used to create information from data therein. Income statement and balance sheet is one form of information, while the figures contained therein is data that has been processed so that it becomes useful for anyone who can use it.

The types of informations:

Based delivery:
  • Information provided periodically
  • The information provided for the sudden
  • The information provided at any time
  • Exempt information
  • Information obtained on request

Based on usability:

  • Informations that adds to the knowledge, for example: events, education, activities celebrities.
  • Informations that teaches the reader (educational information), such as paper describes how to raise ducks, articles about how to build friendships, and others.
  • Informations based on the presentation format, information that is distinguished by the form of presentation of the information. For example: the information in writing (news, articles, essays, reviews, columns, editorials, etc.),

The characteristics of an information:
  • The latest,
  • Right on time,
  • Relevant,
  • Consistent.
  • As for the functionality, information has several kinds of functions, including:
  • Improve the knowledge or ability of the user,
  • Reduce uncertainty in the decision-making process,
  • Describe the state of something or events that occur.

That was a glimpse of the meaning or definition of What is information. If there are mistakes or flaws can be added in the comments field. May be useful.

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