In this post, i will dicuss about PL/SQL Set Serveroutput On. The simplest example in the manufacture of PL / SQL is a text on the screen displays the SQL * Plus you.

Here is PL/SQL Set Serveroutput On sample:


    dbms_output.put_line ('I Learning PL / SQL');


When finished writing PL / SQL above, then to run it write slash mark (/) under the heading END.
And so far you only get the message in the form of PL / SQL procedure successfully completed which indicate that the PL / SQL that you buata can run properly. But you have not seen the results of the PL / SQL that you create. To be able to see the results of PL / SQL that you created, then you should set the system into a state SERVEROUTPUT On by writing the following syntax.

This is done because by default every time the SQL * Plus is started, the system variable SERVEROUTPUT into Off state. If you've set the variable SERVEROUTPUT, try running back to PL / SQL you did by writing the slash (/).

That was a brief explanation about PL/SQL Set Serveroutput On. If there are errors or omissions please justified or added. May be usefull.

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