In this post, I will discuss about one of the diagrams in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the Deployment diagram. What is a Deployment Diagram (UML)? Deployment diagram is a diagram which contains the views associated with the physical deployment of a system. In this case, including computer networks and the location of the network components. It is one of diagram that used in object-oriented design.

In each system, there is only one Deployment Diagram only. Where all the parts in a network such as the relationship between components, and processes that rundepicted in this diagram.

Here are the notations used in the Deployment Diagram (UML):
1. Processor, describes the components that have the ability to process. Such as servers and workstations. When a Deployment diagram there are more than oneprocessor, then we can use to group stereotypes. There are scheduling for theprocessor, namely: preemptive, non-preemptive, cyclic, executive and manuals.

2. Device, describes a single component. As a printer, hub or scanner. Just as the processor, the device can also be grouped (stereotypes) and has a physical explanation (characteristics).
3. Connection, describes the physical relationship between the two processors, two processors with a device or devices. Relations, including wired or wireless connection. Connection also have stereotypes and characteristics.
4. Process, describes the event or a thing done. The process can be displayed or hidden. Process scheduling can also be made while it is running.

To create a Deployment Diagram in Rational Rose, double-click on the Deployment View. See my post about the Sample Deployment Diagram for more details see the examples. That was a brief description of Deployment Diagram (UML). In the event of errors or omissions please justified or added. May be useful.

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