One of the databases used for manufacturing information system is Microsoft SQL Server. In this post, I will discuss about. Microsoft SQL Server. Is Microsoft SQL Server? Microsoft SQL Server is a database made ​​by Microsoft.

SQL Server uses Transact-SQL is an implementation of the SQL standard ANSI / ISO are used by Microsoft and Sybase. MS SQL Server is used in the business world that has a data base of small to medium scale, but then developed with the use of SQL Server on a large data base.

Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase / ASE can communicate over the network by using the TDS protocol (Tabular Data Stream). Apart from that, Microsoft SQL Server also supports ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), and has a JDBC driver for Java programming language. Other features of SQL Server is its ability to create a database mirroring and clustering. In previous versions, MS SQL Server 2000 affected by the SQL Slammer computer worm which resulted in delay of Internet access on 25 January 2003.

The development version of SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 is SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008. To download MS SQL Server 2005, click HERE. As for Ms SQL Server 2008, click HERE.

That was a brief description of Microsoft SQL Server. If there are errors or omissions please justified or added. May be useful.

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